Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ted E's Friday

Ted E, Carol and their friend Donna had quite a day on Friday.  The day started at Kim's school learning how to do the Tooty Ta dance.  It is a cute dance which also gives you quite a workout.  You have to follow the directions in the song and you end up looking crazy as you put your knees together, tongue out, bottom up and all kinds of things like that. Plus we learned the Pirate song and the Cowboy song.  After our workout and visiting at school we went and enjoyed biscuits from Bojangles.  After a little rest in the afternoon they went to the Wake Forest versus Duke womens basketball game after enjoying a pizza meal.  I had been told that I couldn't return to Guatemala until I learned how to do the Tooty Ta dance.  I must say I feel enlightened now!

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