Saturday, February 19, 2011

Issues in Guatemala

This is taken from a Compassion International article which I read about Guatemala.  I thought it was very well written and summed up some of the main issues in Guatemala. As you read this you will have a better understanding of how to pray for the people of Guatemala and the mission work there.

Guatemala City experiences a significant number of crimes against women and bus drivers, along with kidnappings of the wealthy.  Corruption of the judicial system makes the crime issue worse and nearly 90 percent of the cases remain unresolved.  Throughout the region male chauvinism, the disintegration of the family, and a high rate of extreme poverty contribute to problems.

Most rural area in the highlands lack clean running water and sanitation systems.  High unemployment and lack of variety in diet result in chronic malnutrition, especially among children.  Seven out of ten children under 5 are malnourished.

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