Monday, September 10, 2012

Your usual seat

The other day I was on the university campus.  As I looked around it seemed like a normal morning on campus.  Students were sitting with their laptops plugged in, they were finishing assignments, they were working in groups, they were busily going through life.  They were in the moment without a care in the world except for finishing their assignment and going to class.  I was there at a different time from when I am usually there so it made me wonder did I take the "usual" table where some group "usually" sits.  I didn't see anyone come up and start for the table and then leave when they saw me sitting there.  As I thought about it, I made the connection to church seats and pews.  I thought I wonder if these students are as possessive of their seats and pews as we can be in churches.  I admit, I can be guilty of it at times because I have certain areas in the sanctuary where I like to sit. I remember the time when I was told I was in someone's seat in a Sunday School class and they asked me to move.  Needless to say I didn't return to that class.  I have been to Bible studies where I have watched others being told that they can't sit at a certain table because that is such and such a person's seat.  I wondered are the students as possessive of their tables and seats in the common areas of the university as we can be of our usual seats in our churches?  I hope not...

September Prayer Letter

As Guatemala celebrates their Independence Day on September 15, let’s start the month with a brief history lesson, as taken from Wikipedia. On September 15, 1821, the Captaincy-general of Guatemala (formed by Chiapas, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras) officially proclaimed its independence from Spain and its incorporation into the Mexican Empire, which was dissolved two years later.[18] This region had been formally subject to New Spain throughout the colonial period, but as a practical matter was administered separately. All but Chiapas soon separated from Mexico after Agustín I from Mexico was forced to abdicate. It was not until 1825 that Guatemala created its own flag.[19]

As the nationals celebrate their independence pray that they would turn to Jesus Christ and celebrate the freedom that can be found in and through Him.

Saturday, September 1: This coming Monday, Sharon will be beginning the study on the Fruit of the Spirit with the Monday night group at the Hardemans’ house.  Ceci says she wants to begin again then and Kathy says she will also attend.  Several of the members of the group are also inviting friends to participate.  Pray for Sharon as she leads the group.  Pray that this study will be a great blessing and encouragement to each one.

Sunday, September 2: Labor Day weekend, George and Helen will be at a family reunion with their children, George’s siblings and dad, and some of his cousins.  Pray for wisdom for George and his siblings as they will be talking to his dad who has recently been diagnosed with moderate dementia and making some hard decisions about his house and possessions.  His dad still wants to go home, but the doctor has told him that it is impossible for him to live alone or drive, though he still hasn’t accepted this.

Monday, September 3: Adam and Jennifer Hammond are getting situated in Tennessee.  They still have a heart for international missions however at this time their place of service is in the US.  Arabella just began her first year of school; Corbin and AllieBeth are doing good as well.  Pray for Adam as he just recently began a new job.  Pray for Jennifer as they all adjust to being in the US again.

Tuesday, September 4: Guatemala is understandingly proud of the Guatemalan atheletes who participated in the Olympics.  Most notably, the Olympic silver medal winner, Erick Barronodo. Erick won the country's first Olympic medal in the Men's 20K race walk competition in August in London.  Praise God for the Christian trainer who worked with him.  Pray for Erick and other Christian athletes as they share their faith in their moments of fame.  Pray for Diego, an archery athlete, who didn't make the Olympic team this time but will continue to be in training for it.  Praise God that Diego has attended the Saturday Purpose Driven Life group when his schedule allows.

Wednesday, September 5: The Hardemans arrived safely in Greenville, SC, on August 23.  Pray for them during their 3-month stateside assignment that they will have good family time and will also be very sensitive to Spirit’s leadership as they have opportunities to share about their ministry and that of the International Mission Board in general.

Thursday, September 6:  Judy Leagans's mother Ava Halbert has been having some health issues.   Her congestive heart failure sometimes triggers medicines getting out of balance.   Ellis and Judy appreciate your prayer support that she will get leveled off okay. Ava remains very sharp mentally.  Judy and one of her sisters are taking turns staying at the hospital so prayer support for them is also appreciated.  Praise God that Judy is there close to her mother so she can help in taking care of her mother.

Friday, September 7:
One of the last lessons from the Purpose Driven Life group is about writing and sharing your testimony.  As the Saturday group finishes up the study pray that each one who was involved will share their testimony with others.  Praise God for those who were able to attend.  Pray for Carol and Lissette as they pray about another potential study with this group.

Saturday, September 8: Both Goyo, a member of the Hardemans’ Monday night cell group, and Kathy’s mom died last month.  We trust that they had both accepted Christ as their Savior.  Please pray for strength, peace, and consolation for Kathy and Goyo’s wife Ceci and their children.  Kathy feels very alone now, discouraged, and depressed.

Sunday, September 9: On September 11 in Athens, GA, there will be a premiere showing of the documentary “The Boys of Paradise” featuring the Hardemans’ son Nathan and his ministry with boys in a violent squatter community in Guatemala City.  Nathan, Claudia and their sons Levi and Caleb will be in the US for three months working on her citizenship papers and visiting churches to get people involved in their project.  Pray that the paperwork for her papers would move smoothly and swiftly, pray for their safe travels as they will be have many miles to cover as they visit churches to raise support while at the same time they are “car-schooling” Levi in second grade.

Monday, September 10: Thank you for your prayers for the Hardemans’ trip to Peru.  In spite of a piece of luggage arriving a day late, the trip was very productive.  Continue to pray for the Logistic Coordinator leadership team as they have quite a bit to deal with and decisions to make concerning budgets throughout the region.  Several LC’s (Logistic Coordinators) in Latin America, as well as in other parts of the world, will be retiring in the relatively near future.  Pray for the Lord to call out others to assume this vital ministry.

Tuesday, September 11:  Ellis and Judy Leagans continue to work with various IMB projects.  One of these is the Cuba Mobilization Initiative in which nationals from most of our Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas will go to Cuba for ten days to study church planting there and observe what God is doing.  Then a few months later Cuban brothers will visit the countries who sent representatives.  This is a three-year Initiative through 2014.  The first groups go from Mexico and Costa Rica September 10-22.  Please pray that God will use this mightily across the Americas.  And we appreciate the prayer support for us as Ellis coordinates the external international logistics over the next three years.

Wednesday, September 12: Pray for Judith.  Several months ago, she decided to attend another church, but basically she has gone nowhere.  Helen and Sharon have been talking to her and encouraging her.  She says each Saturday she is determined to go to church the next day, but when Sunday comes, she is just not motivated.  She was a driving force as a new Christian inviting many people to cell group.  It is hard to know what exactly happened to put a damper on her spirit, but please pray that she will return to church, be strengthened by the fellowship and spiritual food and that the joy of her salvation will be renewed.

Thursday, September 13: Please be in prayer as IMB school-age children, including Josiah and Kaila Macumber, and college-age missionary kids across the world who have just begun a new school year. Pray for wisdom in their studies, for good transitions and for God to be glorified in their lives. Pray also as many are separated from their families (boarding schools & universities) and will be faced with issues of loneliness and anxiety. May the Lord grace them with His guidance

Friday, September 14:  While Helen Hardeman is stateside Sharon Cook will be teaching the Monday night group. This month she started a new series with them.  Praise God that several new people are coming to the study. Pray for Sharon as she prepares the teachings.  Pray that she would have the preparation time which she needs.  Pray that those in attendance would be open to what God has for them.

Saturday, September 15: Helen finished proofing the Hebrews study series and has sent 10 of the 14 Galatians studies to Dr. Daniel Sanchez for his input before final proofing.  All of the Galatians series has been used with the Monday night cell group, which gave some good feedback.  Praise God with us that the basic work is done and pray for his guidance as we try to get the studies in their final form.

Sunday, September 16: Pray for Manuel and Siomara and their leadership at Impacto Biblico.  Pray for Manuel as he coordinates working a fulltime job and being pastor at the church.  Pray for Siomara as she also leads in the church.  Continue to pray for Samuel and the students at his school.  Pray that Siomara and her family will continue to have the opportunity to share Christ with Samuel’s classmates.

Monday, September 17: Jorge, the messenger who works at the Baptist Mission office with Jeff and George, lives in a small shanty with his wife and three young sons on a corner of his mother-in-law’s property.  The Lord has laid it on the hearts of several people to help provide him with a better place to live.  A neighbor is selling his small house just in front of where they are living.  Please pray with us that if this is the Lord’s will there will soon be enough money to purchase this house.  There is a church in the US who wants to send a team down to do some improvements on the house if the purchase price can be raised.

Tuesday, September 18: Pray for Sharon Cook and others as they reach out to Ceci, the widow of Goyo, and to Kathy.  As Ceci and Kathy are both in the grieving process pray that their relationship to God would be strengthened.  Pray that they would have the desire to get out of the house and interact with others.    

Wednesday, September 19: Pray for Jeff as he continues to learn in his job.  Pray for him as he deals with questions, difficulties and situations, which arise.  Pray that he and George would be able to communicate through Skype or email as needed and would be a support for one another.

Thursday, September 20: Pray for the group that meets at Irina’s house.  They will be beginning a new Bible study series this month.  Helen has provided them with the first five Hebrew study guides, but they hadn’t decided what they will use.  All three women are strong Catholics, but they are reading through the Bible and trying to study it together.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to be their guide to truth while he reveals errors that they have long followed, and pray that they will have the strength and determination to follow truth.

Friday, September 21: Pray for J.  He and his dad have had an estranged relationship which included the dad kicking him out of the house.  However in a story kind of similar to the Prodigal Son, J went to see his dad and gave him his first paycheck from his job.  Pray for restoration in this relationship.  Praise God that J was obedient to God in this relationship.  Continue to pray for J and A as they want to get married but they do not have the family blessings because of their young age.

Saturday, September 22: Happy Birthday Noemi Macumber!  May the Lord bless Noemi and keep her and make his face to shine upon Noemi both now and forevermore.  Pray for Noemi and family as they continue to follow up and begin outreach activities based on contacts that their July teams made.

Sunday, September 23: Sharon will be finishing up two group studies this month.  Praise God for the ones who have been dedicated to attending these studies.  Pray that there would be long last results from the studies.  Pray that God would raise up group leaders from the participants.

Monday, September 24: The paper work for the sale of the houses in Nicaragua and Belize was not ready for George to sign before he left for his 3-month stateside assignment last month.  There is also the transfer of the title of a car in Guatemala pending, but it is a complicated situation, which also was not ready to be finalized.  There will be the need to keep in touch with what is going on in these matters and with the Logistic Coordinators in all the countries for which he is responsible during his time in the US.  Pray that the internet connections will be adequate while the Hardemans are on the road a lot. 

Tuesday, September 25: Continue to pray for the music ministry and other ministries at Impacto Biblico Church.  Pray for them as they plan activities and outreaches for the volunteer team, which is coming in December.  Pray that they would have opportunities to reach out to those in the church neighborhood.  Pray that the regular attenders would invite their friends and family to church.

Wednesday, September 26: Richard Cook is traveling to Panama this week to lead a conference for seminary professors.  Pray that he would have safety in travels and that he would have clarity of mind and thought in his teachings.  Thank you for praying last month for Richard’s travels.  He was able to return safely even though his arrival was delayed for several hours because of fog in Guatemala.

Thursday, September 27:  Pray for the members of the small groups and those who the Nicodemus Team members are discipling on an individual basis.  Pray that they will all mature in their walk with God.  Pray that they would share with others and have a desire to start other groups.  Pray that the leaders would have wisdom in answering questions of the group members.  Praise God for those who are taking the time to attend the group and those who are leading.

Friday, September 28: Pray for the student who had to have a friend pretend that she was his girlfriend so his dad would stop giving him a hard time about not having a girlfriend.  The student was approaching his 16th birthday and the dad thought it was time for him to have a girlfriend. Pray for Christian families in Guatemala to rise up and put God first in their lives.
Saturday, September 29:  Pray for the members of the Nicodemus Team.  Pray that they would have wisdom and guidance and God’s direction in all that they do.  Pray for the unspoken requests which they may have.  Praise God that He knows each and every request and every desire of their heart.

Sunday, September 30: As we close out this moment take a moment to reflect on how God has lead you through the month.  Praise God that He is always faithful. Let’s close the month on the words of Ephesians 3:20-25 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

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