Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rocking chair

One of the things which Costa Rica is known for is leather rocking chairs. The other week I had the opportunity to go to the rocking chair factory. It was interesting to see how a really nice and comfortable rocking chair could be made from the pieces of wood.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Have you tried tongue?

The other day I tried a new was tongue of a cow. It was good! But I couldn't think about what I was eating I just had to eat it and enjoy the taste. I mentioned that to another Costa Rican lady and she said she thought the same way. She said she couldn't think about what she was eating when she eats, I just had to eat and enjoy. So if you have a chance eat it and enjoy it!

Lunch with a friend

Something I miss doing that I enjoyed when I was working in NC was having lunch with friends. The other day I was able to have lunch with a Costa Rican lady. It's a lady I had met with some other friends in October. Because of the school schedules and her lunchtime schedules this past week was the first time we were able to have lunch together.

I was able to even get a taste of American food as we ate in Kentucky Fried Chicken.

One thing we talked about was the differences between Costa Rica and the US. She said Americans are hard workers, they have a hard time resting and enjoying. She asked how I liked the food here. I said well it has taken some adjustment to get used to having rice everyday. I said when I lived in the states I maybe had it once a month.

We also mentioned the independence of Americans and how different it is here. Kids here live at home a lot longer than kids in the states.

It was an enjoyable time, I hope to get to do it again...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Who is Jethro?

In class we were playing a Bible game called Who am I? The other person looked at a name and then made up a description of the person and then the other person was to guess who that person is. Well, some were easy such as John the Baptist or Mary. Then the other guy started describing Jethro to me and I couldn't think of who he was talking about. Until he gave me the hint and said think of the show Beverly Hillibillies. Immediately I said Jethro which was the correct answer. The teacher commented you know the TV show better than you know the Bible? I said there are only 4 main characters on the show...Plus I said it was our American minds thinking alike...It was a good challenge to think of things to say in Spanish about the person and to get the name correct in Spanish. For instance James in English is Santiago in Spanish. Actually Jethro is Jetro in Spanish.