Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas memories...

As it's Christmas Eve I was just reflecting on some different Christmas memories. I remember when I was growing up and for one of the Christmas gifts my sister and I received luggage! Talk about being disappointed. I know you are to be thankful but at that time when you were hoping for a game to play on the Atari (that would be pre Nintendo days) and then you receive suitcases, there is a disappointment...Of course now I would love to receive suitcases for Christmas.

Then there was the time I was in Guatemala as a journeyman. My parents had come to visit in October and they had brought Christmas gifts with them. I was very good and I didn't open the presents, I put them in an unused room and stayed out of them until Christmas. Well, Christmas morning I went to go into that room to get the presents. Guess what? The door was locked and I didn't have a key...So I had to wait until 2 days after Christmas for a locksmith to come and open the door. Believe you me I tried everything I could think of to unlock the door but I couldn't get it to budge...I had to laugh about that after the initial frustration of not being able to unlock the door. But thankfully a few days later I was able to open my presents.

Also if you have experienced Christmas in Guatemala you know the sound I'm talking about. The sound of the fireworks throughout the country at midnight on Christmas Eve. I don't know what to compare the sound to but it is a time when everyone is outside in the street. Then the fireworks are set off and you can hear the rumble of the fireworks coming from the other parts of the country. It was neat to stand out and listen and look at the clear sky with the stars and imagine what it was like to be a shepherd keeping watch in the fields on that night. And just remembering the true reason for the Christmas season.

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