Wednesday, April 17, 2013

March 2013 prayer letter

MARCH 2013

What a great pleasure it was to meet two faithful readers of the prayer letter when I (Carol) was at the Arkansas House last week.  And thank you to those who I have not met yet, you faithfully read and pray for the requests each month!  Thank you!

As I (Carol) write this, I want to tell you a personal testimony of how I was one of “o ye of little faith” as the disciples were in Matthew 8:26.  Last week I received news that I was put on an alternate list for a CPE program of study which I really wanted to get into. I was disappointed.  I started making other plans.  The program leaders had said “we’ll let you know by February 27th if a position comes open”.  I thought that isn’t going to happen.  Usually I have more faith but this time looking back I can say that I didn’t have faith that it would work out.

However, on the 27th, I opened my email and I was so excited.  Why?  Because I had an official letter from NC Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem, NC, inviting me to begin the CPE Chaplains program of study.  I was so excited.  I said thank you God.  It was truly God who worked it all out. I’ll go on STAS (furlough), April 4.  I’ll begin the studies May 28 and they will take about a year and a half.  Then at that time I’ll see where God leads.

Pray that the each one of us on the Nicodemus Team would keep the faith.  Pray that each one of you reading would keep the faith in whatever situation you might be facing.  Pray that we would all be faithful in what God has given us to do.

Friday, March 1: Today the Guatemala Baptist Seminary finishes the first cycle of its on-site 2-week Master's courses.  There were several students from Honduras that joined the program this time.  Pray for safe travels as they return home.  Pray for each student as they now must do their follow-up assignments.  Pray that these studies will help them to be better servants of God, for His glory.

Saturday, March 2:  Today, the Baptist missionaries in Guatemala are having a farewell lunch for Larry and Sarah Plyler and Carol Wilkinson as they return to the US and their next place of ministry.  The Plylers will be leaving behind the Gospel Outreach Project that did prayer walks and scripture distribution in many parts of the country where there was no Baptist work, while connecting with local Baptist churches to do follow-up.  Praise God with us for the many new churches that were started as a result of their efforts and pray that they will be established on a firm biblical base and continue to grow, prosper and reach out to others.  Pray for Carol's disciples that she leaves on the private university campuses and the seeds that she has planted to take root and result in more souls for God's Kingdom.

Sunday, March 3: Pray for Manuel and Siomara and the leaders of Impacto Biblico Church.  Pray that they would have wisdom in decisions and plans they are making.  Pray for each one of the churches represented by the Nicodemus Team members.

Monday, March 4: A meeting has been scheduled for March 5 at Marco Antonio's house (where the Impacto Bíblico Church meets) to see if there is interest in beginning a new Crown study group.  He, Ana and Judith have said that they have friends who are interested in the study.  Pray for the Lord to once again use this as an opening for a new Bible study group.

Tuesday, March 5: Sharon Cook gives thanks for a successful card class with the Wednesday group. On Ash Wednesday, she had a chance to talk about accepting the Lord and the truth about Easter rituals.  It was really a good time.  Pray that the members would come to understand the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him.

Wednesday, March 6: Nathan and Claudia Hardeman will be in Guatemala this month hosting teams that are helping them with construction of the Engadi Refuge, a ministry for young boys in precarious living situations.  Pray that the building permits, that have been held up in the Antigua City Council, will come through.  Now the neighbors are trying to have their water cut off.  Pray that the Lord would change hearts and open doors so they the work might move forward. Pray for the financial support they need for building materials.  Pray for them as they return to the US and work there on getting Claudia's citizenship and continue forming their Board of Directors for the ministry of people who are passionate and dedicated to seeing their vision carried out.

Thursday, March 7: Thank you for your prayers last month for the Intermissions Conference!  It was a good weekend of fellowship, worship, seeing old friends and making new friends.  It was a time when the participants where encouraged to “Maintain Joy in the Trenches”.

Friday, March 8: Pray for Elvin and Jacqueline as they try to begin a Bible study group in their neighborhood.  Usually, just getting started and getting people to come the first time is the hardest part.  

Saturday, March 9: Last month the Impacto Biblico Church celebrated Pastor's Day and Manuel's birthday.  Pray that he will be encouraged in his ministry and that the Lord will bless him and his family spiritually, emotionally, and financially.  Pray that he would find time to prepare each week to lead the church and take care of his work and other ministry opportunities.  He and Siomara have been trying to visit different families each week, but his time is really stretched thinly.

Sunday, March 10:  Continue to pray for Noemi Macumber’s mom.  She needs to have a portal put in which will make dialysis safer and easier for her.  Pray that it would all work out in God’s timings.  Pray for her mom as she waits to have the portal procedure done.

Monday, March 11: “I think that if they knew Jesus they wouldn’t want to go drinking and partying every weekend.  Drinking is boring.”  This was an observation made by one of the university students.  Pray for the continuing spiritual growth of Roger.  Pray that he would continue to grow in his understanding of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Pray for him as his classmates invite him out on the weekends for drinking.

Tuesday, March 12: Thank you for your prayers last month. Twelve pastors' wives met on February 16 for fellowship and to pray for and encourage each other.  It was a good beginning and the women were very enthusiastic about the time together and want to continue meeting.  There is a pastors' retreat scheduled in June and the president of the pastors' association has invited the wives to join them and then have some additional time apart.  The women were also encouraged to go back to their areas and try to organize the pastors' wives there in local groups in the meantime.  Pray for these servants of the Lord as they minister with their husbands in many challenging situations.

Wednesday, March 13:  Pray for the discipleship time with the young couple Mario and Kathy that Jeff and Noemi meet with every Wednesday. Pray that they will continue to grow in their obedience to the Lord and find places of service to exercise their gifts within the body.

Thursday, March 14: Ellis and Judy Leagans appreciate your prayer support as they work on plans for the future.  Their IMB retirement date is June 1.

Friday, March 15:  Pray for Josiah and Kaila Macumber as they will be attending a conference in the Dominican Republic March 14 through the 17th.  It is for the Harvard Association Cultivating Inter-American Democracy (HACIA) XIX Summit of the Americas. This is a conference where they will be debating different subjects that pertain to topics that affect the Americas. Kaila will be participating in the Hemispheric Security Committee, and Josiah will be in the Pan-American Health Organization Committee. 

Saturday, March 16:  Today is a Conference for "Ministerio Juvenil Bautista de Guatemala".  A group of Guatemalan Youth Leaders will be doing a conference in Cobán and Noemi will be the Missions Representative for the Conference.  Pray that we will be inspired to share what God wants to teach these young men and women in regards to missions, youth ministry philosophy, the ABC's of youth ministry and leadership character development and relationships. 

Sunday, March 17: After flying all night a team from Canada arrives early this morning to work with Carol Wilkinson.  Pray that they would arrive ready for the week.  Pray for the different activities which they have planned.  This afternoon they are going to have an activity in the neighorhood where the hotel is located which is also the neighborhood where Manuel and Siomara live. 

Monday, March 18:  Please continue to pray for the Monday group as they finish up the Fruit of the Spirit study by the end of March.  Also pray that Kathy, one of the members, will find a way to change her tutoring for Monday night so she can come back to the Monday night group.

Tuesday, March 19: Pray for the work in La Comunidad.  There are leaders that will be starting to take care of that work and their names are Alexander and Wendy.  Pray that the families from the Bible Studies there will see themselves as one body and that the work will flourish there. They are looking for a place to purchase that will be more central to all the families there.  

Wednesday, March 20:  The men from Impacto Biblico have been meeting for breakfast and Bible study once a month.  Now the ladies would like to begin meeting to share and pray together.  Pray for Siomara and others as they try to find the right date and place to kick this off.  Pray that it will be a blessing for the women and bring new women in.

Thursday, March 21: George has been asked to teach in the next cycle of the masters program at the Baptist seminary in June.  Pray with him to know the will of the Lord.  Also, remember him as we works with the logistic coordinators of the various countries to prepare and refine their work plans for this year.

Friday, March 22: Pray for the team and Carol today as they finish up the week.  The team flies out tomorrow.  Pray for the contacts which have been made.  Pray for those who have made decisions to accept Christ. 

Saturday, March 23:  Pray that Gaby and Roger would continue to grow in their spiritual lives.  Pray that even though Carol is leaving soon that they would still get together on a weekly basis.  Pray that they would continue to grow more comfortable in their talking to God throughout the day whether it is when they are in the car, between classes, in the store or wherever they may be.

Sunday, March 24:  The Impacto Biblico Baptist Church will be beginning a Sunday school program for adults and continuing classes for children and adolescents.  Pray for each teacher to prepare well and for each participant to arrive on time eager to learn more about God's word.

Monday, March 25:  Pray for a Ladies Bible Study that Noemi is leading at a new church plant in San Cristobal. They meet every Tuesday.  They are going through Beth Moore's Breaking Free Bible Study.  God is using this Bible Study in the lives of these ladies in amazing ways.  There is a need for a Men's Group and God is touching the heart of  one of the men of that church to start a men's group.  Praise the Lord!  The ladies are also reaching out to their families and wanting to bring the Bible Study to their families.  So, there will be other Studies started hopefully by the middle of March where these ladies will bring the study to others in the community.  

Tuesday, March 26: As usually happens during Holy Week, many people from Guatemala City will travel to the beach or other places throughout Guatemala or outside of Guatemala.  It is a nice week of less traffic in the city.  Pray for the Guatemalans to come to know the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Pray that those who know would share the truth with others. 

Wednesday, March 27:  George’s trip to Belize was frustrating.  The paperwork was not ready for his signature because there are several more issues.  The man who originally was helping needs to give a clear report of what he did before, but he avoided George while he was there.  Pray that the real estate agent will be able to finalize the sale of the property.  George is planning to travel to El Salvador this month to finalize the transfer of some property.  Pray for a fruitful trip. 

Thursday, March 28:  Continue to pray for Manuel, Siomara and Samuel. Pray that they would feel the strength of many people praying for them today.

Friday, March 29:  Happy Birthday Kaila Macumber!  May you have a day filled with God’s blessings.  May He bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you both now and forevermore.

Saturday, March 30:  Pray for Carol as she is cleaning out, packing, visiting and enjoying her last days in Guatemala before her April 4th departure. Pray that it would be an enjoyable time for her.  Pray that all the loose ends would come together.

Sunday, March 31: Celebrate the Resurrection on this Easter Sunday! Pray that those who don’t understand the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ will come to know Him today.

To join or leave this prayer list group, please include your name and email address and send your request to

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