Monday, September 10, 2012

Your usual seat

The other day I was on the university campus.  As I looked around it seemed like a normal morning on campus.  Students were sitting with their laptops plugged in, they were finishing assignments, they were working in groups, they were busily going through life.  They were in the moment without a care in the world except for finishing their assignment and going to class.  I was there at a different time from when I am usually there so it made me wonder did I take the "usual" table where some group "usually" sits.  I didn't see anyone come up and start for the table and then leave when they saw me sitting there.  As I thought about it, I made the connection to church seats and pews.  I thought I wonder if these students are as possessive of their seats and pews as we can be in churches.  I admit, I can be guilty of it at times because I have certain areas in the sanctuary where I like to sit. I remember the time when I was told I was in someone's seat in a Sunday School class and they asked me to move.  Needless to say I didn't return to that class.  I have been to Bible studies where I have watched others being told that they can't sit at a certain table because that is such and such a person's seat.  I wondered are the students as possessive of their tables and seats in the common areas of the university as we can be of our usual seats in our churches?  I hope not...

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