Thursday, June 11, 2009

Update June 10, 2009

June 2009
Hello friends,

I wanted to take a minute and send an update to you. The first picture above was taken at one of the prettiest beaches in Costa Rica, called Manuel Antonio. I hope to go back there again before I leave in August. The second picture was taken at a rocking chair factory. The chairs are made of leather and are really comfortable. I’m glad to say that I have one waiting for me in Guatemala. I was able to send it ahead with some missionaries who were going to Guatemala and were willing to transport it for me.

It’s hard to believe that I have been here for almost a year. I’m enjoying being in Costa Rica but I must say I’ll be glad when I don’t have to study for exams. Of course then my true exams will be each day when I walk out of my house in Guatemala and communicate with people. It will still be tests but it will be tests of a different kind.

I’ve had the opportunity to see and do a lot in the time I’ve been here in Costa Rica such as attend the wedding of my Costa Rican “brother”, ride a horse for the first time in my life, eat lots of rice, eat cow tongue and like it, use buses, taxis and walking as my main forms of transportation, go to a birthday party for a dog, get soaking wet from walking in the rain, meet some great people, have some great visitors, and many other things.

I had a great birthday on June 7. I received many cards and greetings from friends. I am so blessed to have so many friends throughout the world. For my birthday I decided I wanted to cook a birthday lunch and invite some of my friends so that is what I did. I made some of my favorite foods including lasagna, pineapple casserole, biscuits, and red velvet cake.

Spanish learning is definitely challenging. Learning another language no matter what language is not an easy task. I know I couldn’t be doing it without God’s guidance and help. I am participating in a program where I go out in the streets and talk to people as a part of my learning. I have 8 people that I go talk to twice a week. I have questions/topics written out and I ask them questions and then I write up reports about what they said. It is a definitely a good way to learn different accents of people and different ways people have to say things. For instance last week one of my topics was the subject of God and the Bible. I asked what you think about God, who wrote the Bible and other questions. I enjoy this program, too, because I am learning a lot about the culture as I talk to people.

At the beginning of May I moved from the Costa Rican family’s house where I was living to an apartment. I was very blessed to have a good situation with the family that I lived with, but I have thoroughly enjoyed being on my own again. I have had the most fun washing my clothes, cleaning the apartment, lying on the couch, cooking and just relaxing. (and of course studying too..) Almost every day I say thank you Lord for allowing me to have my own place again.

I’m looking at wrapping things up here in San Jose. August 14th I’ll graduate from the Spanish language institute but I know my learning will still continue every day. August 15th I’ll fly to Guatemala. I do have a house where I’ll live for the first 6 months I’m in Guatemala. There is a family who will be going on furlough and they have asked if I want to stay in their house while they are gone. That will give me time to get adjusted to Guatemala City and life there.
God has blessed me in many ways and each day I am reminded of His blessings. One of the great blessings which He has worked out is that I have been able to send a lot of my stuff ahead to Guatemala with different people who were willing to take items. With so many luggage restrictions on the airplanes now that is a great blessing.

I thank you for your prayers, cards, notes of encouragement and many other ways you have remembered me as I’ve been here in Costa Rica. You can rest assured that your prayers are felt and they do make a difference.

Along with that your continuing giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering allows me (and many other IMB missionaries) to continue learning Spanish and to be able to do what God has called us to do. There are cutbacks being made in the IMB family because of the economic crisis and not as many funds coming in. I know the economic crisis is hard but I also know that God is faithful and He will provide the funds for the IMB missionaries to continue going and doing what God has called them to do. And He will bless your giving.

Thanks again for your prayers, your support, your giving, your encouragement and all that you do!

Love,Carol Wilkinson

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